pdf FM1_Fishery economics from DNR 2017

Economic Analysis of Les Cheneaux Islands Sport Fishery

Authors: Dave Fielder

Author Affiliation: MDNR

Journal: Unpublished Report; 2010

Abstract: This analysis indicates that a total of $5.3 million dollars in economic activity has been lost each year since the collapse of the sport perch fishery in the Cedarville I Hessel area ($6.5 million total activity).
In a separate analysis done in 1986, Diana et al. (1987) estimated that the tourist segment of the fishery (not counting locals) generated between $2.2 & $4.4 million/Yr in expenditure. (This would be approximatley $3.4 to $6.9 million/Yr in 2001 dollars (allowing 3% inflation/yr.). This compares closely with the estimates generated here.

Note: Evaluation of Yellow Perch Fishery and its Importance to the Local economy of the Les Cheneaux Area referenced above is available as a pdf in the LCWC Library: http://www.lescheneauxwatershed.org/library/fisheries-management/62-evaluation-of-yellow-perch-fishery-1987/file