pdf HL7: Plant Control Update 2011

Houghton Lake 2011 Plant Control Program


Authors: not named

Author Affiliation: Houghton Lake Improvement Board

Journal: Houghton Lake Improvement Board, 2011

Abstract: Prior to the onset of the plant control program in 2002, Eurasian milfoil infested nearly 11,000 acres of Houghton Lake. Plant control activities in Houghton Lake are coordinated under the direction of biologists from Progressive AE, the lake board’s environmental consultant. In early June, a whole-lake vegetation survey will be conducted to identify Eurasian milfoil locations. With the herbicides used in Houghton Lake, there are no fishing restrictions, a 24-hour swimming restriction, and some irrigation restrictions. These restrictions only apply to the portions of the lake that are treated, which equates to about 10% of the lake.